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There are various factors to put into consideration before purchasing a property. Besides adequate planning, you should also be keen on your prospective home’s features – particularly the roofing system. The roof is vital to your home’s protection. It shields your family from harsh weather conditions. Before buying a house, ensure you’re getting the best deal by asking these four roofing questions. 1. How Old Is the Roof?  Inquire about the roof’s age, and don’t hesitate to request documentation. Knowing this piece of information can help you anticipate potential problems with the roof. It will also allow you to determine measures that will help you avoid such issues. Moreover, the age and condition of the roof can also affect homeowners insurance costs. 2. What Is the Roofing Material?  The roofing material has a significant impact on the roof’s longevity. It can also affect your long-term expenses since roofing materials have different maintenance requirements. Some roofing systems are low maintenance while others require more care and attention. There are also roofing systems that are difficult or expensive to repair. 3. When Was the Roof Last Inspected?  Regular inspections are crucial to the health of roofing systems. If the current owner can no longer remember the last time the roof was checked by a professional, consider it a red flag. It could mean the roof is not regularly maintained. You can hire a roofing contractor to inspect it and report on the current condition of the roof. 4. Is the Roofing Warranty Transferable? Check if the warranty is transferable and valid. Ask for a copy of the warranty’s terms and conditions, and make sure no unauthorized work was ever done on the roof.